123D Design hot key
- 房子圖形:回到home
- click Home -> orthogonal/perspective
- right bottom: rotation
- roller按住: shift move
- roller: roller for zoom
- left bottom:
- u: 往上/下長
- p: be similar to "u"
- d: move to the zero-plane
- transformer
- 移動move:ctrl+t
- 對齊align: a
- 放大縮小scale: s
- smart scale: ctrl+b
- 尺規Rule: r
- 測量Measure:shift+m
- 文字Text:t
- pattern
- circular rectangular(n)
- circular path (alt n)
- circular pattern (shift n)
- mirror (alt m)
- modify
- Press Pull(p)
- Tweak(k)
- fillet:round edges (e)
- chamfer (c)
- snap: :
- merge: [
- substract: ]
- 存檔檔名:須為英文, ex.日期-2誠1號-內容, 1061025-2loyal01-diamond